Page 18 - May 2018 Traveler
P. 18
Trinity Lutheran Church Women
Bake Sale is May 12
That’s the date of TLCW’s next Bake Sale. AND, it’s just in time
for Mother’s Day. Our community loves our homemade pies
and other baked goods from the kitchens of Trinity Church
cooks. Please have all bakery items to the Durand State Bank
between 8 and 8:30 a.m. This gives us time to price your items before our guests come to
purchase our delicious treats. The Bake Sales are TLCW main source of income and the pro-
ceeds help with the ministries and missions of the women of Trinity (TLCW).
Mission Action collecting school supplies Do you want to go
to a Bible Camp?
May through September
To all parents and kids
The Trinity Lutheran Church The women of Trinity had set
Women’s Board decided to col- up a Campership Fund a long
lect kid’s and teacher’s supplies time ago that enables a child
for Dakota and Durand Schools. to go to a summer Bible camp.
Some of the following items the But as the camp cost raises
and/or you have a couple of
teachers often purchase out of children who wish to go to
their own pocket, so we are go- LOMC or Lutherdale, or to Syn-
ing to help out a bit. Kleenex, od Assembly, or Leadership
Lab and you need a few extra
hand sanitizer, Clorox sanitizing dollars to make this happen,
wipes, highlighters, post-it notes, pens/pencils, index please talk to any TLCW Board
cards, AAA batteries, colored pencils, notebooks, 3- Member (Loretta, Paula, Heidi,
ring binders, 2-pocket folders and backpacks. ANY Karen J., Lucy, or Louise). We
can help out financially, that is
school supply will be accepted and welcomed. There part of our ministry and we
will be a separate collection area in the west hallway want to share it with our
for these needed supplies. church family.