Page 19 - May 2018 Traveler
P. 19

Thanks to the Thrivent Action Teams

                                                                   There were two Thrivent Actions Teams so
                                                                   far this year that the Trinity Lutheran
                                                                   Church Women requested: one was for
                                                                   purchasing supplies for Lenten Suppers.
                                                                   With the $250 credit card, Lucy was able to
                                                                   purchase supplies such as peanut butter,
                                                                   crackers, bread, etc. The remaining monies
                                                                   on the card were used to buy books for the
                                                                   in-kind donations that our youth can take
                                                                   to the Nat’l Youth Gathering.

          The second $250 card was
            requested by Loretta to
           purchased items for our
          Bold Women Celebration.
          We catered the lunch from
            Cimino’s and created a
               flowery craft for a
                Happy May Day
             for Medina residents.

                 Thanks Teams!
                 And Thrivent!

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