Page 62 - مراقبة_merged_Neat4فنادق ثان
P. 62

Quality and Food Safety Management in Food
                       Service Industry

      For non-six sigma companies, costs are often extremely
high. Companies operating at 3 or 4 sigma typically spend
between 25 and 40 percent of their revenues fixing problems.
This is known as the cost of quality, or more accurately the cost
of poor quality. Companies operating at six sigma typically
spend less than 5 percent of their revenues fixing problems.

      Six sigma is a quality system based on measurements of
how well an organization meets customer requirements. The
"sigma" refers to a statistical measure of variance. The "six" in
sigma refers to the highest possible sigma rating, which
indicates that a product or service meets all the customers' time
and quality criteria (delivery on-time and at- quality) 99.9996%
of the time. These time and quality criteria can be applied to
virtually any product or service, so six sigma tools can be used
in any type of organization that has customers.

      Six sigma, at its basic level, is attempting to improve both
effectiveness and efficiency at the same time. A technical
measure of how many unhappy customer experiences per
million opportunities is the concept behind six sigma. For
example, if on any day McDonald's served one million
customers, how many of them experienced what you did during
your lunch experience? If only three customers were unhappy
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