Page 67 - مراقبة_merged_Neat4فنادق ثان
P. 67
Quality and Food Safety Management in Food
Service Industry
2-5-1 Quality Planning
Quality planning as the activity of determining customer
needs and developing the products and processes required to
meet those needs. Quality planning is required for every
product and service within an organization, not only for goods
and services sold to external customers. The plan, do, check,
act (PDCA) planning process introduced the concept of
planning as a cycle that forms the basis for continuous
improvement. In the PDCA cycle, the first step is to plan the
quality improvement. Second, workers perform or produce a
small version or batch of the produce/ product. Third, worker
checks the results of this pilot project. Fourth, workers
implement the tested process (implement the complete
1-Plan 2-Do
4-Act 3-Check
Figure ( 2 ) The PDCA cycle