Page 6 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 6

Tags and Swipes, Spring 2021

                                            Chorus Lines

      Berkshire Hills Chorus

       Let’s catch Spring fever!

      Our long Winter will soon give way to green grass, blue skies and more singing! We have been meeting
      twice a month on Zoom.   No matter how our day went earlier in the day as soon as our Chorus sang
      together it was instant happiness.

      As distant as a Zoom rehearsal may be, our voices blend together in a graceful poetic pose. The light in
      faces of the women shine and gives us all the feeling that everything really is going to be alright. Our
      rehearsals are unique to our Chorus as we added two additional activities which have blossomed. We have
      included a “Mindful Moment” to begin our meetings in which members share a mindfulness poem or story.
      Each of us resonate with the positive, loving message. We also have started “Getting To Know You”
      segments in which our ladies would share hobbies, artwork or other musical abilities with us.  Our
      members are so talented!

      I would like to leave you with some Spring fever and a special photo and poem I have written.

                                Embrace the quiet times to sing your own song;

                                            to sing to the moon,
                                            or dance in the forest.

                                          Be grateful for our today;
                              as each moment unfolds into a promise for tomorrow.

                           Sing your own song and you will glimpse a moment in time,
             when the world spins the music into perfect harmony in sync with the notes of infinite hope.

                                                                Maria Brodeur

                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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