Page 5 - Spring 2022 Tags and Swipes
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Tags and Swipes, Spring 2022

                                From our Membership Coordinator

          Who’s job is it?

          Growing and retaining membership during a pandemic WAS NOT and IS NOT easy!! Your Regional
          Membership Team, comprised of Carole’ Mensing, Deb Richard, Judy Lang and I wish to congratulate all
          the Region 1 Membership Coordinators for your steadfast efforts and fortitude throughout these uncertain
          times. For those who have finished your term of office as Membership Coordinator a heartfelt thank you
          goes to you for your service! For those who are staying on board this train our new Membership
          Coordinators will be looking to you for insights and guidance. We thank you for that! And, speaking of new
          Membership Coordinators, welcome aboard!! Way to go, MCs!

          As I said earlier, it’s not easy to retain and develop membership during a pandemic, but there are lots of
          resources at your disposal. Please be sure to make use of them! For instance, at a recent Membership
          Coordinators Zoom Meeting the Membership Coordinators shared their successes with social media to attract
          new members. Another highly successful tool is to merge the efforts of your chorus’ Marketing and
          Membership Teams. Marketing Coordinator Lala Carey joined our meeting to share the benefits of melding
          these teams and has offered to have joint meetings with each choruses’ Marketing and Membership teams to
          help develop strategies and tools for membership growth. MVA has already made use of Lala’s expertise and
          has gained 3 new members!

          Using social media may not be anything new to you. Your chorus is probably already making use of these
          tools. But growing membership is not our only task. Retaining our members is equally as important.

          So, how do we grow and retain membership? We need to ask ourselves, “Why do we stay? What are we
          offering our current members and potential members?”

           The answer…..We’re offering Community!

          This pandemic has forced us to be distance from each other for 2+ years! Cautiously and carefully people are
          starting to venture out and are seeking community. Whether we’re already in a chorus or looking for
          something to do, we’re looking to belong to a community. We’re not just singers and performers. We’re a
          community with shared interests and a love for what we do! Embrace your chorus community and share it!

          So, whose job is it to grow and maintain membership? It is not just the Membership Coordinator’s job. It is
          not just the Membership Committee’s job! It’s the job of every single chorus member to create and maintain
          a healthy and hearty community that will keep your current members coming to weekly rehearsals and will
          attract new members who want to be a part of your chorus community.

                                       Yours in song,

                                       Sally Jeffery
                                       Region 1 Membership Coordinator


                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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