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                           The past year has been

                   life altering and tumultuous

                               for the entire planet.

                            y own Covid experience had an added dimension - I was diagnosed with breast cancer in Jan 2020.
                             Having been blessed with excellent health all of my life, this “cancer diagnosis”  was a complete and
                            utter shock; I told very few people, lifted my chin up, put my shoulders back and navigated my way
               M through surgery, radiation and, finally remission!
                 My experience has filled me with gratitude for this gift of life and has reinforced my beliefs in the power that lies
               within us … we can persevere through so very much with a strong and positive mindset.
                 Looking back, I had the choice to either feel sorry for myself and afraid for my future … or … prepare to fight and
               ultimately know that I would beat this thing, even though, at the time, I still had no idea what stage I was at, or what the
               medical plan was.
                 The main reason that I told very few people is because I did not want to feel sicker; I knew that an outpouring of concern
               would create fear and negativity within me.  I also kept it private because I felt an element of shame; all my life I have been
               the supporter, the fixer, the caretaker, and I did not want to assume a position of vulnerability!
                             Every day I am grateful that I beat this disease.   No longer do I take good health for granted and more
                                           than ever, I am committed to assisting women to reach their goals and to reap the
                                              benefits of their hard work!
                                                  Over 16 years ago, the concept of women supporting women in the business
                                                 community became my brainchild under the auspices of Womanition, which,
                                                   over the years has evolved into an essential support system for female
                                                    entrepreneurs.   My methods and processes are continuously tweaked to
                                                     remain relevant and to attract an even more diverse membership ... it’s a
                                                       WIN/WIN for all!
                                                            It is my dream to take Womanition across Canada (or further)
                                                            and my current quest is to find savvy, hardworking females in
                                                             different parts of our country who are interested in exploring
                                                              the possibility of a licensing agreement.  Ever since my “brush
                                                               with mortality”, I feel compelled to leave a legacy and I am
                                                               personally committed to mentoring the right candidates -
                                                               such an exciting opportunity for the right person(s)!
                                                                The Womanition community continues to grow and
                                                             flourish; this can be evidenced in the pages of this beautiful
                                                             magazine that I present to you… enjoy!

                                                                        DOROTHY BRIGGS

                                                                    FOUNDER/PUBLISHER, WOMANITION.COM


      2    Irene Lay Photography
              WOMEN IN PROCESS
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