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Who’s Inside

            Accounting/Bookkeeping    Financial/Insurance      Non-Profit/Charity       Retail Services
            28   Patti Chrabaszcz    6   Donna Worthington     94   Del Dilkie          18   Best Home Furnishings
            23   Teresa Brunner      6   Katie Stewart         56   Lois Hole Foundation  46   Deborah Kurach
                                     26   Melanie Cheek        14   Mirande Alexandre   93   Debra Couwenberg
            Branding/Marketing       21   Michelle Broadbent
            IBC   Alex Favret        40   Sheri Issler         Personal Services        31  Evelyne Nyairo
            68   Catherine Saykaly-Stevens  100   Sunshine Pawchuk  93   Bhawna Ratanski  64   Glenda Polak
            39   Dorine Kielly       66   Trixie Rowein        35   Bonnie Hoffman      77   Jacqueline St-Amand
            4   Heather Andrews      100   Vilma Masilione     89   Christine Zacharko  30   Jenna Dostie
            48   Irene Lay                                     93   Claudette Hannah- Pelletier  96   Jennifer Belik
            22   Jennifer Brown-Flewelling Health & Wellness     95   Elizabeth Smith   19   Lillian Bow
            10   Jesse Szymanski     94   Diane Matthews       96   Joanne Van Beek     BC   Sharmaine Monteith
            5   Karen West           88   Dorothy Turek        97   Karen Deimert       86   Wolfe Cadillac
            16    Zandra Bell        95   Janetta Schindelka   97   Lina Lytviak
                                     70   Joan Small
            Child Care               85   Karla Weiss          IFC   Maria Lewis        Real Estate/Mortgages
            63   Esta Karpulis       80   Laura Tillack        98   Mary Webber         73   Debbie Smith
            63   Frida Pesin         98   Nicole Ashley        38   Mary Lynn Ilnitsky  58   Elena Russell
                                                               90   Michelle Zoschke
            Coaching/Consulting/     100   Shelley Leach       98   Patricia Ward       83   Georgina Thorne
            Training                 74   Theresa Stanley                               96   Jennifer O’Connor
            72   Angel Shaw          Home Services             Professional Services    58   Karen Low
            70   Carol Secord        20   Chris Boyle          44   Alberta Business Loans  54   Krista Lindstrom
            78   Christine Till      76   Joanna Starko        25   Banyk Chia          99   Reena Yost
            34   Corby Furrow        45   Kite Electric        36   Brenda Hehr
            94   Donna James         1   Lorephil Toledo       69   Darlene Schindel    Senior Services
            60   Gail McDonald       53   Marie Lizotte        50   Dayna Kwasney
            95   Heather Thomson     32   Wendy Ellis          24   Dr. Jane Carr       61   Karen Murdock
            29   Jessica Derksen     57   Worry Free Plumbing  37   Dr. Jasz Koray      42   Zareena Ali
            97   Kimmy Krochuk                                 62   Dr. Kara Otuomagie
            70   Marie Soprovich     Human Resources           99   Dr. Rose Marie Milne
            99   Sandra Griff        52   Laurette Lee         15   Dr. Vera Baziuk
            17   Stacey Berger       84   Ruthann Weeks        82   Growing Spaces

                                       PHOTOGRAPHER      EDITOR             PRINTER          DISTRIBUTION

                                           IRENE LAY          JACKIE             ALEX        Next Home
                                                             QUANTZ             FAVRET
         Womanition® Inc. is published annually. Womanition® magazine reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. The article represents the views and opinions
         of the individual authors and not necessarily the publisher. No material should be reprinted in whole or part without the expressed permission of the publisher. The contents of
         Womanition® Magazine should not be used as advice of any kind. Consult the appropriate professionals for any advice. Womanition® Magazine does not constitute endorsements
         for, liability for any claims made in the advertisements and or advertisement information. Contact Womanition® Magazine – head office at 780-761-3000.

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