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Christopher Dantz, LEED AP
Director of Preconstruction
University of New Orleans,
Master of Business Administration
University of Rochester,
BA Economics
As needed during preconstruction and
Chris, a LEED-accredited professional, has provided cost estimating services for nearly 15 years and is known for his attention
to detail. You can trust him to provide accurate cost estimating throughout the project. He will work with the project team
to fulfi ll all planning and preconstruction requirements in order to facilitate a plan that will allow ample decision-making
without aff ecting the overall project schedule.
Hillsborough County Service Center – Tampa, FL Burlington Coat Factory – Corporate HQ
34,000 SF, $11.5 million. A new two storie government building 218,425 SF, $45 million. Th is multistory Class “A” headquarters
constructed of structural steel including an interior offi ce fi tout. features an open offi ce layout, a wide range of amenities and a
Th is project encompassed major site work including roadways, variety of spaces designed to bring Burlington’s diverse workforce
utilties and a parking lot. together. Informal meeting spaces, a two-story atrium, conference
and training rooms, a fi tness center, an outdoor meeting/lunch space
ISO New England – Backup Control Center
and café will all provide opportunity to converse, meet and connect.
70,000 SF, $21.7 million. To help accommodate for employee growth,
New Jersey Association of Realtors hired Barr & Barr to manage
Biogen Idec - Corporate HQ
the construction of this three story Headquarters Building. Th is
$80 million. Th is Class A offi ce building included a full dining facility,
building provides accommodations primarily for offi ce functions.
offi ces, conference and media rooms as well as work collaboration
spaces. Th e new building included two levels of below grade parking.
100 Binney Street – Pharmaceutical Building
$140 million. Provided consulting services for this core & shell Princeton University - Peretsman-Scully Hall & Princeton
building to house laboratory research facilities. Th e proposed Neuroscience Institute
structure was 6-stories below grade, 10-stories above grade plus a 249,000 SF, $199.5 million. Th e home for the Peretsman-Scully
2-story mechanical penthouse. Construction included a slurry wall Hall and Princeton Neuroscience Institute and the Department of
and caisson foundation and will incorporate top/down construction Psychology, this two-building complex houses a state-of-the-art
methods to accelerate the construction schedule. data center, research facilities, teaching classrooms, faculty offi ces,
wet and dry laboratories, a lecture hall, vivarium, and MRI’s and
RF shielded rooms.
Princeton University ISO New England