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James Manoli
Safety Director
Northeastern University, BSc Biology
As needed during preconstruction and
A former OSHA compliance offi cer, Jim has earned the respect of the tradesmen and tradeswomen in the fi eld. He is
genuinely gratifi ed when he sees them practicing, with confi dence, the safety techniques he taught them in the classroom.
He’ll be a constant presence on your construction site. By combining his extensive experience with the latest technology,
he eliminates potential hazards facing the workforce before the start of any given task.
Bayer Healthcare - U.S. Corporate Headquarters together. Informal meeting spaces, a two-story atrium, conference
675,000 SF, $75 million. Th e new U. S. Headquarters for Bayer and training rooms, a fi tness center, an outdoor meeting/lunch space
Healthcare was constructed in two phases. Th e fi rst linked two and café will all provide opportunity to converse, meet and connect.
existing offi ce structures with a fi ve-story glass atrium. Each of the
Crum & Forster – Corporate HQ & 500 Car Parking Garage
structures was renovated; one with a two-story vertical addition.
200,000 SF, $46 million. Th is project is a complete gut and “re-skin”
In addition to these Class A offi ce buildings, one of the existing
of their existing four story building, transforming the structure into
research buildings was rejuvenated as a fi tness center. As part of this
a modern Class A Headquarters. Th is project will include the total
phase, approximately 2,500 on-grade parking spaces was constructed
re-design of interior lobbies and amenity areas. Th is project included
within parking fi elds surrounding the buildings.
the construction of a brand new 500 space parking structure adjacent
MetLife – Investment HQ & 425 Parking Garage to the building.
200,000 SF, $40 million. Th is four story offi ce building was
constructed on an 11 acre site adjacent to our completed Bayer Princeton University - Peretsman-Scully Hall & Princeton
Neuroscience Institute
Pharmaceuticals Headquarters facility. Th is new Headquarters
249,000 SF, $199.5 million. Th e home for the Peretsman-Scully
for MetLife Investments includes offi ce space, open collaborative
Hall and Princeton Neuroscience Institute and the Department of
work spaces, conference rooms, a full serving kitchen and cafeteria.
Psychology, this two-building complex houses a state-of-the-art
Burlington Coat Factory – Corporate HQ data center, research facilities, teaching classrooms, faculty offi ces,
218,425 SF, $45 million. Th is multistory Class “A” headquarters wet and dry laboratories, a lecture hall, vivarium, and MRI’s and
features an open offi ce layout, a wide range of amenities and a RF shielded rooms.
variety of spaces designed to bring Burlington’s diverse workforce
Princeton University Burlington Coat Factory