Page 27 - Six Sigma Advanced Tools for Black Belts and Master Black Belts
P. 27

                                    Six Sigma: A Preamble
        12 August 31, 2006  2:52  Char Count= 0
                                   Response = Handling Time
                   Xbar Chart by Tester  2            Tester*PCBA Interaction  Tester
            Sample Meen                         Average                      1

                                             PCBA  1 2  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314 1516171819 20

                    R Chart by Tester  2                   By Tester
            Sample Range

                                             Tester 1                    2

                  Components of Variation                  By PCBA


              Gage R&R Repeat  Reprod Part-to-Part  PCBA  1 2  3456789 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20
                 % Total Var  % Study Var
                           Figure 1.8 Sixpack analysis of handling time.

          The following observations were noted:

           Test time was about 6--8 times as large as handling time.
           Variance in handling time between the two testers was negligible.
           Variance in test time between the two testers was significantly different.
           The average test time for Tester 1 was about 25% higher than Tester 2.
           The variance in test time for Tester 1 was nearly 20 times higher than for Tester 2.

        The team unanimously agreed to focus their efforts on understanding the causes of
        variation in test time.
          The fishbone diagram (also called an Ishikawa diagram) remains a useful tool for brain-
        storming of the various possible causes leading to an effect of concern (Figure 1.9).

                    Material  Machine          Material  Machine
                         Bed of                     Bed of
                         nails                       nails
                                     High                      Test Time
                                    Test Time                   Variation
                          Bios                       Bios
                         Settings                   Settings
                   Manpower  Method            Manpower  Method
               Figure 1.9  Cause-and-effect diagrams for long test time and large variation.
   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32