Page 17 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 17

6.  More able children may be asked to write sentences with two, three, four or

                    more capital letters, i.e. using proper nouns too.

                           E.g.   Mrs Jones took her child, Tom, to Disneyland.

                7.  If time allows, gather at the end of the lesson to see how many corrections

                    the Detectives made to the passage.

            Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

                1.  The children will recognise the order which punctuation brings to language and
                    also the aspect of God’s character which it reflects.

                2.  They should be more confident in using capital letters for the start of
                    sentences and for proper nouns.

                3.  They should know that most sentences end with a full stop.

                4.  They will know that a sentence makes sense.

                4.  They should remember that punctuation serves the reader by making reading
                    and writing more interesting.

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