Page 16 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 16


            Truth to Teach (Source)

                   Punctuation brings order to language and it reflects this aspect of God’s

                   Punctuation serves the reader of written and spoken English.

                   Review capital letters and full stops

                   A sentence makes sense.

                   Encourage the children to be alert to identify wrong punctuation

            Way to Work (Means)

                1.  Read a short passage from a well-known book as if it had no punctuation.
                    Discuss this with the children. Read it again paying attention to the
                    punctuation. Stress the importance of reading aloud with pauses for full stops,

                    etc. This serves the readers.

                2.  Talk about being ‘Punctuation Detectives’ and finding wrong punctuation signs,
                    where signs may need removing or adding.

                3.  Remind the children of when to use a capital letter at the start of sentences
                    and for proper nouns. Talk about different endings for sentences – full stops,
                    question marks and exclamation marks. Explain that most sentences end with

                    full stops.

                    Remind the children that a sentence makes sense.

                4.  Have an unpunctuated passage written on the board which the children could
                    correct with the teacher. (Keep to full stops and capital letters.)

                5.  Let them try the worksheet as ‘Punctuation Detectives’.

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