Page 11 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 11
Establish the importance of using the correct words to communicate with each
other. Talk about Grammar as using Correct Words. The aim is to help others
understand us by selecting the correct words in speaking and in writing.
3. Write a sentence on the board and talk briefly about different words working
together to make a sentence. Remind the children of different kinds of words
learnt in Y1 and Y2, e.g. naming words, doing words, describing words, joining
4. Explain that naming words are called ‘nouns’ and they can be used to name
people, places or things.
5. Show pictures of Adam in the Garden of Eden with the animals. Alternatively,
this could be acted out with the children one by one making an animal noise,
e.g. a grunt, a roar, hissing. Adam could then name each one. Explain that
Adam was the first human to use nouns.
6. Go through the worksheet with the children. Tell them about the clock at the
foot of the sheet which indicates activities for those who finish their work with
time to spare.
7. Some children may also like to find a noun for every letter of the alphabet or
even a person, place and thing for every letter during the week or for
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
1. The children will begin to recognise more of God’s character in the orderliness
of language.
2. They should recognise the importance of using correct words to communicate
3. They should know that a noun is the name of a person, place or thing.
4. They should recognise that different kinds of words work together to make a