Page 7 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 7


            Writing an email

            Give the children an opportunity to write an email. Talk about how to address people,
            how to end the email, how to spell check it, etc. Talk about serving and honouring

            people in all our communication.

            LESSON 9

            Writing instructions

            Refer to Exodus 26 where God gives Moses the instructions for building the
            Let the children recall other occasions when instructions are given, e.g. a game, a new

            toy or tool, machine, etc. Discuss the importance of writing accurate instructions.  Let
            the children write instructions to show how to write a letter referring to the previous

            The teacher may prefer the instructions to be written as bullet points or as prose. If
            time allows, the children could give their writing to a friend who could try to follow
            the instructions to produce a short letter.

            LESSON 10

            Writing instructions

            Ask the children to bring in, or select from the school resources, their favourite

            game. Talk about how to write instructions for others to play the game. This could be
            written as prose or as bullet points.

            LESSONS 11-13

            The Christmas Story

            This may be approached in different ways, eg each child taking a character and

            writing from the character’s perspective, eg Mary, Joseph, a shepherd, a king. It
            could be written as a newspaper article with different headlines. Illustrations could
            be added in art lessons or once the writing has been completed. A booklet may be
            made up of each child’s work.

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