Page 6 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 6

The second lesson could be used to write more creatively using the same basic text

            (see separate sheet). Compare the more factual account of creation in Genesis 1:1-6,
            14-19 with the more descriptive account in Psalm 19:1-6.

            LESSON 3

            Factual and creative writing

            Give more practice in writing factual and creative writing by handing each child an
            object to measure, weigh and describe factually, eg a piece of jewellery, an

            interesting ornament, a plant, a birthday card or a toy. Let them expand their work by
            using descriptive words, comparing the item to other things (simile) or even making
            up a short fictional story about it.

            LESSONS 4-6

            Writing a serial story

            Encourage the children to write a story over three weeks, encouraging imagination,
            detailed description, exciting content and careful grammar and punctuation. It could
            be linked to the term’s project work or a topical event.

            LESSON 7


            Explore features of letter-writing and their importance in communication with others.

            Look at letters in the New Testament, eg Philemon. Look at the beginning and
            endings. Show the children examples of letters we commonly receive. Talk about how
            to lay out a letter properly, either on the computer, or as a handwritten letter. If
            possible, give the children opportunity to try both. Talk about the importance of
            punctuation in serving the reader.

            Discuss the: -
                                      •  Address
                                      •  Date

                                      •  Greeting
                                      •  Body of the letter
                                      •  Ending
                                      •  Addressing envelopes

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