Page 30 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 30


            Truth to Teach (Source)

                  To study more singular and plural nouns with words ending in ‘f’, ‘fe’ and ‘o’.

                  To study irregular plural nouns

            Way to Work (Means)

                1.  Review previous lessons on singular and plural nouns.

                2.  Ask the children if they are finding the singular and plural nouns complicated
                    to learn. Ask them to imagine what it must be like to learn English as a second
                    language which many people do. Stress the importance of knowing our own

                    first language really well. Remind them of the importance of correct words and
                    correct spellings to serve the reader of their work.

                3.  Put various irregular plural words on the board and ask the children to give the
                    singular, e.g.

                           women, people, mice, deer, sheep, feet, geese, children, men

                4.  Ask the children to spell the plural of these singular words: -
                           tomato, potato, hero, domino

                    Establish that these words need ‘es’ adding to make the plural.

                5.  Ask them to spell the plural of these words: -

                           half, calf, loaf, wolf, knife, wife, life, thief

                    Establish that the ‘f’ or ‘fe’ has to be removed then ‘ves’ added to the word.

                6.  Let the children complete the worksheet. The spelling of these words could be
                    reinforced through weekly spelling lists.

            Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

                1.  The children should be better equipped to spell a range of singular and plural
                    nouns recognising the various rules guiding their spelling.

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