Page 27 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 27

6.  Explain that many nouns only need an ‘s’ added to make them into plurals but
                    some nouns need their endings changing. Give lots of examples of nouns
                    ending in a consonant and a ‘y’ needing an ‘ies’ instead of the consonant and ‘y’.

                    e.g.    pony – ponies, poppy – poppies, mummy – mummies, daddy – daddies

                           army – armies, worry – worries, daisy – daisies, berry – berries, city –
                           cities, story – stories, cherry – cherries

                7.  Let the children attempt the worksheet to reinforce the teaching. The words
                    could be further reinforced through weekly spelling lists.

            Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

                1.  The children will have seen how to make various singular nouns into plurals so
                    that they can spell them accurately in their writing and recognise them in their

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