Page 31 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 31


            Truth to Teach (Source)

                 Genesis 1:3      ‘And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light’

                  God spoke the first words; His words had authority.

                  Speech marks are used to denote the spoken word.

                  Speech marks are used to serve the reader.

            Way to Work (Means)

                1.  Review the previous lessons.

                2.  Ask the children if they know who was the first person to speak. (God, when he
                    created the word, he said, “Let there be light.”) Briefly discuss why his words
                    had such authority.

                3.  Write this sentence on the board without speech marks and ask the
                    ‘Punctuation Detectives’ to identify what is wrong and what is missing.

                           God said Let there be light    (God said, “Let there be light.” Instead of a
                           full stop there could have been an exclamation mark.)

                4.  Remind the children of the use of speech marks to show people’s spoken
                    words. The children may have been taught to use  (sixty-six) and   (ninety-
                    nine) for speech marks, e.g.

                           God said,  Let there be light.

                5.  Let some children share a sentence beginning with I said, “……….” These could

                    be written on the board without speech marks initially so that the ‘Punctuation
                    Detectives’ may suggest where to put them.

                    More able children could be asked to give a question or exclamation as their


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