Page 24 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 24
1. The three tenses of verbs are: - past, present, future.
(3 marks)
2. Underline the verbs in this fable then put them into the table under th correct
headings. (26 marks)
The wind and the sun quarrelled. They held a contest. They tried to make a traveller
take his coat off. “I will win,” said the wind. “No, I will succeed,” said the sun. The
wind blows but the man keeps his coat on. The sun shines brightly and the man takes
his coat off.
Past tense verbs Present tense verbs Future tense verbs
quarrelled make will win
held take will succeed
tried blows
said keeps
said shines
3. Fill in the sentences with present tense ‘being verbs’. (3 marks)
a) I ______________ going to school.
b) We ______________ ready on time for school.
c) He ______________ eight years old.
4. We can use apostrophes to shorten words.
(1 mark)
5. Write the shortened words using an apostrophe. (7 marks)
would not wouldn’t I am I’m
does not doesn’t we have we’ve
they will they’ll will not won’t
we shall we’ll
Total marks = 40