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Y5 Summer Term Part 1. CW Lesson 3

        Truth to Teach (Source)

                Review Y3 teaching on commas in lists, after and before names, etc.

               Commas can be used to separate the main clause from other clauses.

                Commas are often used in sentences with direct speech.

        Way to Work (Means)

            1.   Review previous lessons.

            2.  Ask the children to recall occasions when commas are used. Give examples.

                 There is no comma before the final ‘and’ in a list.

                       The boy’s ball was red, blue, green and yellow.
                       “Come with me to the shop,” suggested Mum.
                       I cannot come today, thank you.

                       Mrs Scott, can I come with you?

            3.  Explain that commas give us an opportunity to have a short pause. They are
                 particularly useful in long sentences with more than one clause in them.

                 E.g.  The dog barked, terrifying the child.
                       Having forgiven her, I feel so much better.
                       While she was sleeping, the phone rang.

                       The boy walked along, oblivious of everything.
                       My birthday is in the summer, just after we finish school.
                       It was Saturday, so we could play football.
                       ‘Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that

                       you may know how to answer everyone.’  (Colossians 4:6)

            4.  Let the children look in their reading books to find commas.

            5.  The children could either complete the worksheet or write sentences with more than
                 one clause in their books.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

            1.   The children should be increasingly confident in using commas in lists, in direct
                 speech, in addressing people, in separating clauses, etc.

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