Page 13 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 13

Y4 Autumn Term. Part 1 CW Lesson 2


            Truth to Teach (Source)

                Genesis 1         Creation

                  God has created so many amazing things that many describing words are

                  Adjectives are describing words that give more information about the noun.

            Way to Work (Means)

                1.  Review the previous lesson.

                2.  Talk briefly about the amazing world we live in and of the need for words to
                    describe different things.

                3.  Let a few children take an object out of a bag, e.g. cotton wool, a marble, an
                    elastic band, a piece of plasticine, a nut, an orange. Let each child find three
                    words to describe the noun/object.

                4.   Show the children three cards one with an addition sign, one with a syringe and
                    one with a gift.


                                                      Introduce as adjectives as ‘add – inject – gives’.

                         •  Adjectives add more interest to the sentence.

                         •  Adjectives inject more information into the sentence
                         •  Adjectives give a description of the noun.

                5.  Let the children sit in three groups and give each group cards, one set with

                    nouns, one with verbs and one with adjectives (see separate sheet). Let one
                    child from the noun group read out the noun; those in the other groups should
                    put up their hand if the verb or adjective they have would fit with the noun.
                    When a suitable sentence is decided upon it should be written on the board to

                    see if it makes sense, eg Hungry babies cry.

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