Page 21 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 21

Y4 Autumn Term. Part 2 CW Lesson 6


            Truth to Teach (Source)

                  To introduce interjections followed by exclamation marks.

            Way to Work (Means)

                1.  Review previous lessons.

                2.  Write a number of sentences on the board with no capital letters or
                    punctuation. Let the children suggest ways of correcting the work.

                3.  Ask the children when capital letters are necessary – proper nouns including
                    days of the week, months of the year, Mr, Mrs, Miss, Rev, Dr, etc.

                4.  Read a passage from ‘Winnie the Pooh’ by AA Milne with lots of interjections,

                    e.g. Ow!, Oh!, Sh!

                5.  Explain that in some stories interjections add interest and show strong
                    feelings. They are followed by an exclamation mark.

                 6. Let the children suggest a word they could use to show: -
                               •  Fear          -       ah!
                               •  Surprise      -       oh!

                               •  Sudden understanding         -      aha!
                               •  Happiness  -          hee! hee!
                               •  Being hurt  -         ouch!

                7.  The children could either write some sentences with interjections or complete

                    the worksheet.

            Learning for life (Fulfilment)

                1.  The children will have been reminded of Y3 teaching on capital letters.

                2.  They will have had practice in using interjections.

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