Page 22 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 22

Y4 Autumn Term. Part 1 CW Lesson 7, Test

                                            CORRECT WORDS TEST

            1. A noun is the name of a person, place or thing.                                    (3 marks)

            2. Name five kinds of nouns.       a)  singular

                                                   b)  plural

                                                   c)  common

                                                   d)  proper

                                                   e)  collective                            (5 marks)

            3. The three tenses of verbs are past, present and future.                       (3 marks)

            4. Write a sentence with a plural noun and a past tense verb.                (2 marks)


            5.  An adjective is a word that describes the noun.                                 (1 mark)

            6. Underline the adjectives in this sentence.                                       (4 marks)

               The excited, young children went skipping over the soggy, wet fields.

            7. Find an adjective to describe the following nouns.                              (2 marks)

             a)  a ________________ coat                b) the ________________ athlete

            8.  Complete the table.                                                            (6 marks)

                   Root adjective             Comparative adjective            Superlative adjective
                         tame                            tamer                           tamest

                         fast                            faster                          fastest
                        gentle                          gentler                          gentlest

            9.  Make adjectives from these nouns.                                                 (2 marks)

              a)  wood wooden        b) circle circular

            10.  Write interjections in these sentences.                                          (2 marks)

            a)   The football trainer shouted, “           !” when the ball hit him.

            b)   “       !”  exclaimed the team as the ball went into the goal.

                                                                                         Total marks = 30

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