Page 27 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 27
Y4 Autumn Term. Part 2 CW Lesson 9
Truth to Teach (Source)
Psalm 24:1 ‘The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all who
live in it.’
Whilst God owns all things he gives us things to steward or look after, for him.
Some pronouns are known as possessive pronouns because they tell us who
something belongs to.
Way to Work (Means)
1. Review the previous lesson.
2. Read and discuss the above verse. God owns everything on the earth but he
gives us some things to own. We say that we ‘possess’ or own those things.
Possessive pronouns can be used in sentences about ownership.
E.g. This pencil is mine. Their coats are in the cloakroom.
Those are his toys. The cat cleans its fur.
3. Have the possessive pronouns written on cards in a box for seven children to
take one each. They should seek to put it into a sentence which they can
share with class.
mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs
4. Remind the children of ‘it’s’ and ‘its’. If ‘it is’ can replace ‘its’ then an
apostrophe is required but if not, it is a possessive pronoun.
5. Talk about every sentence having a verb and a noun or a pronoun.
E.g. Jesus wept. He wept.
6. Let the children try the worksheet.