Page 20 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 20
1. What are adverbs? Adverbs describe the verb, (1 mark)
2. Underline the adverbs in these sentences. (7 marks)
a) The children always worked carefully.
b) Mrs Johnson taught the children daily.
c) Yesterday visitors came to the classroom so the children stood up.
d) The boys played football outside.
e) Tomorrow the girls will talk freely.
3. Give the opposites of these words. (6 marks)
helpful asleep uneven cold wild scatter
helpless awake even hot tame gather
4. What does the word anti mean? against (1 mark)
5. Fill in the table with homophones. (7 marks)
two to too
there their they’re
wail whale
waste waist
past passed
6. Write three sentences each with a homophone which sounds like there.
(3 marks)
Total marks = 25