Page 22 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 22


            Truth to Teach (Source)

                  Longer words are made up of smaller parts which can be heard when words
                    are spoken slowly.

                  The parts of a word are called syllables.

                  Breaking words into smaller parts can help in reading.

            Way to Work (Means)

                1.  Ask the children if they know the names of the New Testament books of the

                    Let them recite as many as they know.

                2.  Talk about the length of some of the words, e.g. Corinthians, Thessalonians.
                    Stress the importance of breaking words into smaller parts when trying to
                    read them.

                3.  Explain that longer words can be divided up into parts called syllables. Give
                    lots of practice with the children’s names.

                4.  Set the children the challenge of writing out the New Testament books and
                    writing how many syllables each word has in it.

                    Less able children could write out their friends’ names and divide them into


                    Some children may complete the worksheet.

                5.  Gather back to share results.

            Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

                1.  The children will know what a syllable is and how to divide words up into parts.

                  2.  They should appreciate the need to break new words into smaller parts to read

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