Page 18 - Enjoying Words (EW) Comprehension & literature
P. 18
Truth to Teach (Source)
Matthew 7:15 ‘Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing,
but inwardly they are ravening wolves.’
Things which sound the same are not always what they appear to be.
Homophones sound the same but have a different meaning and spelling.
Review Y3 homophones.
To distinguish between there, they’re and their
Way to Work (Means)
1. Review previous lessons.
2. Show the children a mobile phone and ask them if it reminds them of any
words learnt in Y3 (homophones).
3. Ask if anyone remembers what a homophone is (SSDMAS = same sound,
different meaning and spelling).
4. Let the children recall as many homophones as they can; write them on the
board, e.g. mussel muscle; buoy boy; leak leek; to two too; waist waste.
5. Write there, they’re and their on the board for the children to distinguish
between them by putting them in a sentence. The children could sit in a circle
and take it in turns to give a sentence with each one of the homophones.
6. Talk briefly about the above verse and how we need to be careful in our
spiritual lives that we are not fooled by things and people who sound good but
are not good.
We need to be alert in our lives as well as in our work.
7. Let the children try the worksheet.