Page 18 - 01CHS Y1 Y2 God's Gift of a Family guide_Neat
P. 18

Luke 15:23         ‘For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is
                              found. So they began to celebrate.’  (Prodigal Son)

          ¾    Throughout the Bible, celebrations were held to give glory to God.

          ¾    The gift of family should be celebrated.

        Way to Work (Means)

        Before the lesson, invite members of the children’s families to a coffee morning, special tea
        or picnic lunch. The children could share items of work they have produced during the term.
        They may have made cakes or biscuits for the event. Musical items could be included, or

        praise and worship for God’s gift of family.

        Stress that we are a part of two families as Christians with God the Father being there for
        us all.

        The children could act out the story of Zacchaeus who was lonely but brought into God’s big
        family through repentance and faith in Jesus.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

           1.  It is hoped that the children will place a value on family life as they grow up.

           2.  For those with broken families, they should realise that they are also part of the
                world-wide family of God and have a loving heavenly Father who will be with them for

                                            (God's Gift of a Family)        16
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