Page 17 - 01CHS Y1 Y2 God's Gift of a Family guide_Neat
P. 17
Way to Work (Means)
If possible, invite three generations of one family to share in the lesson.
1. Review the previous lessons.
2. Show the children a baton used in a relay race. Act out the passing on of a baton
in a race. Stick words on the baton, eg loving and obeying Jesus, going to
church, praying, reading the Bible. Talk about one generation passing on these
things to the next.
3. Introduce the visitors and invite them to share how they have passed on the
baton of faith to the next generation. Talk about families sacrificing to send their
children to a Christian school like ours so that they can learn about Jesus.
4. Take time to pray for families represented in the class.
5. Remind the children that we are all part of two families – God’s family and our
smaller family. Discuss how we pass on our faith to the next generation in God’s big
6. Let the children complete the worksheet.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
1. The children will hopefully appreciate their families who have sacrificed to send
them to a Christian school.
2. They will see their responsibility to share their faith when they grow up as well as
now in the present.
Truth to Teach (Source)
Psalm 145:4-7 ‘One generation will commend your works to another; …..They will
celebrate your abundant goodness and sing joyfully of your
(God's Gift of a Family) 15