Page 12 - 01CHS Y1 Y2 God's Gift of a Family guide_Neat
P. 12
1 Peter 1:22 ‘… love one another deeply from the heart.’
1 Peter 2:17 ‘Love the brotherhood of believers …’
¾ God loved his Son and commands us to love one another in our families but in God’s
world-wide family too.
Way to Work (Means)
1. Review the previous lessons.
2. Read the story of Jesus’ baptism in a children’s story Bible book and draw the
children’s attention to how much God the Father loved his Son, Jesus.
3. Ask the children if we should love everyone in our families. Do we all love our brothers
and sisters? Let the children share briefly about their ups and downs with siblings.
Remind them that God wants us to love one another just as he loved his Son.
4. Through discussion create lists of how God shows his love to his family (provision of
food, families, protection, clothes, friends, forgiveness, answered prayer, etc) and of
how parents show love to their children (working to earn money, homes, food, outings,
clothes, hugs, praying, sharing ups and downs, etc).
5. Discuss how we can show our love to people in God’s world-wide family who are
suffering for their faith or going through other hardships.
6. The children could either write thank you letters to their parents or make thank you
cards. Some classes may be able to make heart-shaped cakes to thank parents for
their love and care. Others may wish to write letters to show love to people overseas
who are going through difficulties. Alternatively, the worksheet could be completed.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
1. The children should appreciate that it is God’s heart for us to live in love and harmony
with our families, both nuclear families and God’s world-wide family.
2. They should see the need to show love and appreciation to parents and to God.
3. They will hopefully have become more aware of other Christians who are going
through challenges and have a desire to encourage them.
(God's Gift of a Family) 10