Page 8 - 01CHS Y1 Y2 God's Gift of a Family guide_Neat
P. 8
Truth to Teach (Source)
Psalm 68:5 A father to the fatherless….’
¾ God promises to be a father to the fatherless.
Matthew 6:9 ‘Our Father…..’ Lord’s Prayer
Matthew 6:25-33 Our Father will supply all our needs.
¾ God promises to provide for us and to care for us.
John 14:6 ‘...No-one comes to the Father except through me.’
Mark 1:35 Jesus spent time with his Father.
¾ We can know God through Jesus and as we spend time with him.
Way to Work (Means)
1. Review the previous lesson.
2. Talk about Christians having two fathers – our earthly father and our heavenly Father.
3. Show pictures of Jesus with Joseph and Mary. Explain that Jesus had two fathers
too. Explain that Joseph may have died when Jesus was younger but that he always
had his heavenly Father to talk to. Read Mark 1:35 to illustrate that Jesus spent time
praying to his Father and listening for his direction. Encourage the children to set a
time aside each day to talk to God and Jesus.
4. Tell the children that God has made promises to his children and that he always keeps
them. A Promise Box could be made with the following promises in it for the children
to pick out:-
God promises to protect us.
God promises to forgive us when we are truly sorry.
God promises to give us a family.
God promises to give us food and clothes.
God promises to love us.
(God's Gift of a Family) 6