Page 13 - 01CHS Y1 Y2 God's Gift of a Family guide_Neat
P. 13
Truth to Teach (Source)
Matthew 18:21-22 Forgiveness
Genesis 37-47 Story of Joseph
¾ To maintain harmony in a family everyone must be willing to forgive.
¾ Jesus tells us to go on forgiving, even ‘seventy-seven times’.
Way to Work (Means)
1. Review previous lessons.
2. Using a children’s Bible story book tell / act out the story of Joseph. Draw the
children’s attention to Joseph’s boasting that made his brothers jealous. Ask them
how they feel that the brothers and Joseph should have dealt with the situation to
avoid the conflict.
Songs and / or excerpts from a DVD of ‘Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour
Dreamcoat’ could be used.
3. Let the children share times when they have felt cross with their brothers and sisters
or felt that their parents had been unfair. Talk about all of us making mistakes and
the need to continually forgive others and apologise.
4. Let everyone practise saying ‘I am sorry’ and ‘I forgive you’. Set a challenge for the
class family to seek to put this way of living into practice in the week ahead.
5. Let the children complete the worksheet,
6. End by praying for the Holy Spirit’s help for everyone to apologise and forgive
quickly at home and in the class family.
Learning for Life (Fulfilment)
1. The children will realise that disagreements arise in families from time to time but
peace can often be achieved through apologising and forgiving others.
(God's Gift of a Family) 11