Page 9 - 01CHS Y1 Y2 God's Gift of a Family guide_Neat
P. 9

ƒ  God promises that we will be with him in heaven one day.

            5.  Do our earthly fathers always keep their promises? Do we forgive them? Talk about
                why God can keep his promises but why sometimes our earthly fathers do not.

            6.  Talk about the Lord’s Prayer which is our family prayer.

            7.  If appropriate, discuss things the children like to do with their fathers. They may like
                to share about their fathers’ jobs, hobbies, etc.

            8.  Let the children either write about their fathers or complete the worksheet.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

            1.  The children should appreciate that whatever happens to their earthly family, God
                will be a faithful Father to them.

            2.  It is hoped that the children will see the need to spend time talking with, and listening

                to, their heavenly Father.

                                    A FAMILY WORKS TOGETHER

        Truth to Teach (Source)

             1 Corinthians 12:12-30    The concept of a family being a body, made up of many
                                         parts, differing in gifting and function, yet acting together as a

             Genesis 6:9-22              Noah’s family worked together to build the ark.

            ¾ We should all play our part in working together in our families.

        Way to Work (Means)

            1.  Review the previous lessons.

            2.  Tell the story of Noah from a children’s Bible story book. Discuss how the family
               worked together.

            3.  Act out the story. Mr Noah and his three sons could use tools to cut down trees,

               hammer nails, pull out nails, etc.

                                             (God's Gift of a Family)        7
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