Page 6 - 01CHS Y1 Y2 God's Gift of a Family guide_Neat
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4.  Show wrapped presents, giving one to each child. Let the children unwrap them (they
                could contain a sweet or a piece of fruit or something similar; each one should be
                different). Talk about the fact that the children did not choose this gift but it was

                chosen by the teacher and given lovingly to each one. It is like this with God’s gift of
                family. Each one is different. It is chosen for you.

            5.  Explain that God is a fair and just God but sometimes because people do not obey
                God things go wrong. Sometimes families do not love one another but that is not

                God’s plan for them. Talk about the need to pray for families where people do not
                love one another as they should. God is faithful and will care for the children.

            6.  It may be helpful to talk about the class family and the school family. Let the
                children draw their families and/or complete the worksheet.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

            1.  The children should appreciate that families are God-given gifts which we cannot

            2.  The children should recognise that all families go through hard and easy times but

                that God is faithful.

                                    GOD’S WORLD-WIDE FAMILY

        Truth to Teach (Source)

              Matthew 12:46-50       Jesus talks about his family

            Matthew 28:18-20         Great Commission

            Mark 3:13         Disciples appointed to spread the Gospel

            ¾ God’s heart is for a world-wide family of believers who will worship him.

            ¾ We have brothers and sisters in many other countries who love Jesus.

            ¾ We are all called to be disciples to spread the good news about Jesus.

        Way to Work (Means)

                                             (God's Gift of a Family)        4
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11