Page 7 - 01CHS Y1 Y2 God's Gift of a Family guide_Neat
P. 7

1.  Review the previous lesson, talking about our family, the class family, the school

            2.  Explain to the children that when we become Christians we become part of a much

                bigger family. Show a world map and let the children point to countries where we know
                Christians. Perhaps people’s names could be put on the map on Post-its.

            3.  Summarise the verses in Matthew when Jesus says that anyone who obeys God is his
                brother or sister in the world-wide family. Explain that one day we will be one

                enormous family in heaven with Jesus.

            4.  Explain how the family began. Jesus came to earth around 2000 years ago. He chose

                twelve disciples. Have the names of the twelve disciples on card to hand out to twelve
                children, explaining that Jesus chose the twelve friends to be like a family to him
                once he grew up and left Mary and Joseph. They travelled around Israel with Jesus
                telling people about God the Father. Jesus called the disciples ‘brothers’.

                After Jesus had risen from the dead he sent his Holy Spirit to give courage to the
                disciples to share the good news about Jesus. They went to the Jews first then God
                told them that they were to go to other nations too. God’s family grew and grew. It
                has been growing ever since.  Now there are millions of people in God’s family.

            5.  Talk about missionaries who have gone abroad to share about Jesus and how families
                have become Christians then they have gathered with other families to form church

                In an assembly the story of the jailer’s family in Acts 16:25-34 could be told.

            6.  Even if any of the children’s families have been fragmented it is good to remind them

                that they are part of another family too – Jesus’ family with God as the Father.

            7.  Let the children complete the worksheet.

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

            1.  The children should be more aware of the world-wide family of Christians.

            2.  They should have a sense of gratitude for people who go to other nations to tell them
                about Jesus.

            3.  They will see that they too can be a part of God’s family as well as having a part in its

                                             (God's Gift of a Family)        5
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