Page 14 - 01CHS Y1 Y2 God's Gift of a Family guide_Neat
P. 14

2.  They should be more familiar with the story of Joseph and the lessons we can learn
                from it.

                            A FAMILY IS LOYAL TO ONE ANOTHER

        Truth to Teach (Source)

              1 Chronicles 29:18     ‘keep their hearts loyal to you.’

              Ruth 1:16-17    ‘where you go I will go ….’

              Genesis 18:16 -19:29  Lot rescued from Sodom.

              Esther 2:7      ‘Mordecai had a cousin named Hadassah (Esther) whom he had
                       brought up because she had neither father nor mother.’

              1 Samuel 18:1-4   ‘Jonathan became one in spirit with David….’

            ¾ We should be loyal to members of our immediate family, our extended family and the
               world-wide family of Christians.

        Way to Work (Means)

            1. Review previous lessons.

            2.  Talk about the meaning of the word loyalty as faithfulness, reliable, etc. Discuss the
                need for it in our families; when we should be loyal and perhaps when we should

                expose wrong things (abuse, etc). Talk about the need of loyalty in our extended
                family eg cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles.

            3.  Share briefly the stories of Ruth (daughter-in-law) and Naomi, Abraham (uncle) and
                Lot, Mordecai (cousin) and Esther. Explain their relationship to each other and how
                they demonstrated loyalty.

            4.  Talk about the need for loyalty in God’s world-wide family, amongst Christians. Talk

                about David and Jonathan as friends. Ask the children if they are loyal to their
                friends in the class/school family or do they tell tales to get them into trouble?

            5.  Let the children complete the worksheet and pray for each other to be loyal to one


                                            (God's Gift of a Family)        12
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