Page 9 - The Reflection of National Character and Lifestyle of the British in Proverbs
P. 9
English proverb Russian equivalent
Jack is as good as Jill. У хорошей жены и мужу
A good wife makes a нет цены.
good husband. За хорошей женой и муж
A man’s mother is his Мать – второй Бог.
other God.
Behind every great man Муж - голова, а жена –
there’s a great woman. шея.
Муж и жена — одна
Children are poor men’s Богатому –телята, а
riches. бедному- ребята
Every mother thinks her Дите хоть и криво, а отцу-
own gosling a swan. матери диво.
Happy is he that is happy На что и клад, коли дети
in his children. идут в лад.
Parents are patterns. От плохого семени не жди
хорошего племени.
Like father, like son Яблоко от яблони, не
As the old cock crows, so далеко падает.
does the young
The chip is equal to the
There's a black sheep in В семье не без урода
every family.
There is at least one rotten
apple in every barrel.