P. 10

the stand and ban the exhibitor from going into the stand,
           without the exhibitor being able to claim financial or ma-
           terial compensation of any kind from the Organiser. The
           costs incurred by this intervention (bailiff’s costs and costs
           related to closing the stand) will be charged to the exhi-
           bitor. This applies in particular to situations such as failure
           to comply with the stand layout rules, failure to abide by
           the safety regulations or French/European legislation, fai-
           lure to occupy the stand or presenting a product that does
           not comply with the safety regulations. In any event, and
           as soon as a breach has been ascertained, the Organiser
           shall have the right to cancel the contract in whole or in
           part, without prejudice to any damages or interest the ex-
           hibitor might be entitled to claim. Also as a result of the
           foregoing, the Organiser shall have the right to deny the
           exhibitor admission to the exhibition for a period of three
           (3) years.

           However legitimate they may be, any grievances an exhi-
           bitor may have towards the Organiser, or towards another
           exhibitor, must be discussed out of earshot of the public
           and must not in any way disturb the calm atmosphere or
           detract from the image of the exhibition.

           Contentious cases. The Organiser reserves the right to
           rule without the possibility of appeal on all contentious
           cases or situations not provided for in these regulations.
           It may act on behalf of an exhibitor in breach, at their risk
           and expense. Its decisions are enforceable immediately.

           The exhibitor expressly agrees not to refer the matter to
           the tribunal without first having attempted to come to an
           amicable agreement. If an agreement between the parties
           has not been reached within a reasonable period of time,
           the parties may take the dispute to the Paris commercial
           tribunal, which has sole jurisdiction in the matter.


           No smoking. Pursuant to decree no. 92-478 of 29/05/1992,
           it is strictly forbidden to smoke in the exhibition halls and/
           or in areas open to the public, as well as on the stands.
           Exhibitors must ensure that the law is applied.

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