P. 5

the same flight must be of uniform rise height and width,   ceiling, canopy or any other cover, either partially or fully.
           however this is not a requirement for the first step. Lan-
           dings must be the same width as the stairs: in the case of   1.30
           non-alternating flights, the landing must be longer than
           one metre. Stairs of at least one unit width must be pro-  Fire safety. All stands with an upper storey must be equip-
           vided with a handrail. Those of two unit widths or more   ped with fire extinguishers, as follows: one air pressurised
           must have a handrail on each side.                  water (APW) extinguisher placed at the bottom of each
                                                               staircase and one CO2 extinguisher placed close to the
           1.27C                                               electric board. If the upper level has an area greater than
                                                               50m², appropriate additional firefighting facilities must be
           Spiral  and winding  stairs.  Stairs  incorporating  a 90  or   provided by at least one safety officer while members of
           180-degree turn must change direction by means of win-  the public are present.
           ders, with no landings other than those serving the upper
           floor. The going and rise height along the line of travel, at   1.31
           a distance of 60cm from the newel or central void, must
           be compliant with the regulations in the previous article.   The upper level may serve as a support for signage. Howe-
           In addition, the outer going of the steps must be less than   ver, no more than 50% of the sides of the upper level may
           42 cm. Single-width stairs must have the handrail on the   be concealed. The remaining sections of the sides of the
           outside.                                            upper level shall be fitted with guardrails compliant with
                                                               the French safety standard NF P 01-012 of July 1988.
           Stairs comprising both straight and winding sections. In-
           sofar as the straight and winding sections of the staircase   When the stand plans are submitted to the Organiser, they
           are compliant with the regulations defined above, this   must include all the necessary information relating to the
           type of staircase is deemed to comply with the regulations   construction of the upper level for approval and recom-
           in force and, consequently, there is nothing to prevent its   mendation by the safety department. Similarly, exhibitors
           use in buildings open to the public.                must have  their installation checked during  build-up by
                                                               an approved safety inspection agency. The report must be
           1.27E                                               shown to the Safety Commission when they make their
                                                               inspection prior to authorising the opening of the exhibi-
           Guardrails and handrails. In accordance with the French   tion to the public.
           standards NF P 01-012 and NF P 01-013, guardrails must
           withstand a thrust of 100kg per linear metre. Protective
           glass panels must be either wired or laminated. The use of
           toughened glass (Securit) is forbidden.             2. DELIVERY

           Location. Staircases must be located 1m or more from the
           divider partitions to avoid overlooking the neighbouring   Exhibitors, as well as their fitters, service providers or sup-
           stand. Where two staircases are necessary, they must be   pliers, are obliged to adhere to the instructions of the Or-
           diametrically opposed.                              ganiser and Paris Expo Porte de Versailles with regard to
                                                               the regulations pertaining to the entry and exit of vehicles,
           1.28                                                equipment and goods, particularly the movement of
                                                               vehicles within the grounds of Paris Expo Porte de Ver-
           Height. The overall height of the structure (ground floor   sailles and in the area around Hall 1. For safety/security
           plus upper level) must not exceed the maximum construc-  reasons, personnel duly authorised by Paris Expo Porte de
           tion height of 5m.                                  Versailles have the right to demand that vehicles be ope-
                                                               ned and/or searched, with no possibility of avoiding it.
           Ceiling. The upper level must not be covered by a solid

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