P. 8

for any problems related to the foregoing that might arise.  make themselves known to Viparis in advance and sign a
                                                               temporary contract enabling them to obtain the neces-
                                                               sary authorisations to access the site. To do this, please
                                                               contact Myriam Mottin (VIPARIS Licensing Department) by
           5. TALKS, EVENTS                                    telephone: +33 (0)1 40 68 14 46 or email: myriam.mot-
           AND PROMOTION

           5.1                                                 Exhibitor expressly authorise the Organiser, free of charge,
                                                               to take photos and/or video showing them as well as their
           The Organiser reserves the right to turn down any pro-  team members taken as a group, without prejudice to
           posal for a talk or event deemed not in keeping with the   their individual publicity rights, similarly for the products
           clearly defined objectives of the exhibition.       exhibited on their stand, and to use such images freely, on
                                                               all media, particularly advertising, in France and interna-
           5.2                                                 tionally, for an unlimited time, to promote this session or
                                                               future sessions of the exhibition.
           The Organiser may, up until the last minute, change the
           titles of talks or events, stating the reasons for its decision   5.8
           but without this giving rise to compensation of any kind.
           Titles must not include any brand names.            Taking photographs or videos within the confines of the
                                                               exhibition  may be  allowed, subject  to written  authori-
           5.3                                                 sation by the Organiser. Video rushes and proofs of any
                                                               photographs taken must be sent to the Organiser within
           Similarly, the Organiser may also change the dates and   fifteen days of the exhibition closing. Authorisation may
           times of talks or events if it deems it necessary.  be withdrawn at any time.

           5.4                                                 5.9

           Exhibitors may, on request, receive a promotion kit from   The Organiser reserves the right to ban visitors from ta-
           the Organiser prior to the exhibition. If they wish to pro-  king photographs or videos. Visitors may be prevented
           mote their presence at the exhibition, exhibitors must   from taking photographs of certain items or persons on
           include these elements in their communications. The   the stands at the request or demand of the exhibitors.
           Organiser  reserves  the  right  to  request  changes  to  the
           messages distributed if they present an erroneous or in-  5.10
           complete image of the exhibition.
                                                               The Organiser has the exclusive right to write, publish and
           5.5                                                 disseminate any information concerning the exhibition.

           Exhibition languages. The exhibition is international and
           as such all the Organiser’s communications are in English
           with, in some cases, a translation into French. The visitors   6. BREAKDOWN
           expected are also largely English-speaking. Consequently,
           the Organiser recommends that your provide your com-
           munications, flyers, signage and other media in English or   6.1
           at least in both the exhibition languages.
                                                               Exhibitors must observe the breakdown start and end
           5.6                                                 dates stipulated in the Practical Information, available on
                                                               their exhibitor’s area online.
           Receptions and Parties. In your online exhibitor’s area, you
           will find a list of catering services approved by the Orga-  6.2
           niser. However, all caterers are permitted to provide their
           services at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, provided they   Exhibitors, or their duly accredited representatives, are re-

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