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1.20                                                1.24

           Rigging. Operations that involves attaching items to the   Exhibitors having reserved stand space strictly over 150 m²
           structure of a building or to structures installed by the or-  are, with the prior agreement of the Organiser, permitted
           ganiser may only be carried out by specialized personnel,   to erect a double-decker stand. The total area of the up-
           either by an employee of Parc des Expositions de la Porte de   per level must not exceed one third of the floorspace re-
           Versailles or by a supplier exclusively appointed by the orga-  served. A minimum clearance of 2m from the aisles and
           niser. The exhibitor, following his online request, must pro-  neighbouring stands must be observed. Only one upper
           vide a rigging plan in line with the rules set out above before   storey is permitted.
           30/04/2018. Any rigging installation that does not comply
           with these regulations may be taken down at the expense   1.25
           of the exhibitor.
                                                               Operating load. This must not under any circumstances
           1.21                                                exceed 250 kg/m².

           Lighting trusses. Standalone equipment or lighting trusses   1.26
           rigged over the stand are permitted. They must be co-
           loured black. The bottom of the truss must be no higher   Accessibility of double-decker stands. If the area of the
           than 7.5m above the ground and be set back at least   upper storey does not exceed 50m² and the service pro-
           1m from the boundary of the stand with the aisles and   vided there is the same as on the ground floor, it is not
           the neighbouring stands. The truss may be used to fix   necessary for the upper storey to be made accessible. If
           overhead signage, but the maximum height must not ex-  on the other hand the area does exceed 50m² or the ser-
           ceed 7m.                                            vice provided there is not similar, the upper storey must
                                                               be made accessible by installing a lift compliant with BS
           1.22                                                EN 81-70. The installation must be checked by an orga-
                                                               nisation approved by the [French] Ministry of the Interior
           Water supply. By default, exhibitors do not have the option   before use. Similarly, the stairs must also be compliant
           of a water supply inlet on the stand. A special dispensation   with the specific provisions in Article 7.1 of the decree of 1
           may be granted on a case by case basis depending on   August 2006 establishing the steps taken to apply Articles
           whether there is a water supply pass-through in the space   R. 111-19 to R.111-19-3 and R.111-19-6 of the [French]
           reserved by the exhibitor.                          construction and housing code relating to accessibility for
                                                               people with disabilities.
           VIVA TECHNOLOGY sets up a wireless network for all ex-
           hibitors and visitors. VIVA TECHNOLOGY strongly discou-  Stairs. The upper storey must be served by one or two
           rages exhibitors from using their own Wi-Fi infrastructure,   judiciously distributed staircases the number and width of
           as these access points can interfere strongly with the VIVA   which are determined by the area of the upper level: one
           TECHNOLOGY infrastructure. In the event that an exhibi-  staircase of minimum width 0.9m for an area strictly un-
           tor wants to use their own Wifi infrastructure, it is impe-  der 20m², two staircases of minimum width 0.90m for an
           rative to declare this to the organizers so that a reserved   area of 20-100m² and two staircases of minimum width
           channel  is allocated to them. The power  of the access   1.40m² for an area over 100m².
           point should be set to a minimum and should never ex-
           ceed 5 dBm (3.12 mW), which reduces coverage to 20m   1.27B
           instead of 100m for a power default of 20 dBm (100 mW).
           The access point must be set to the reserved channel of   Straight stairs. Straight stairs intended for public use must
           the 2.4 GHz band. The name of the Wifi network must   be set up such that the steps comply with the regulations
           include the name of the sign of the stand or a precise re-  and flights have a maximum of 25 steps. As far as possible,
           ference to the place. The reserved channel of the 5 GHz   the direction of the flights must alternate. The rise height
           band is EXCLUSIVELY reserved for the general network set   must be between 13cm minimum and 17cm maximum:
           up by the organizer. VIVA TECHNOLOGY ASSUMES NO     the width must be between 28cm minimum and 36cm
           LIABILITY FOR DAMAGE CAUSED BY INTERFERENCE OR      maximum. The height and width of the steps are [connec-
           LACK OF CONNECTION TO THE NETWORK.                  ted by the relation] 0.60 < 2H + G < 0.64m. All steps in

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