P. 7
any form whatsoever, products or services belonging to is subject to the prior agreement of the Organiser, who
non-exhibiting companies, persons or associations. shall ensure that it is in keeping with the spirit of the Ex-
hibition and that it does cause an auditory or visual nui-
4.2 sance. The Organiser may at any time revoke any authori-
sation previously granted, if it is seen to be disturbing the
Loose packaging, covers used when the exhibition is flow of visitors or the smooth running of the exhibition.
closed, coats and personal items belonging to the per- Exhibitors undertake to obtain all the licences or autho-
sonnel, as well as more generally any item not relevant risations needed for a musical event, and agree to pay
to the stand’s purpose, must be put out of sight of the any associated costs. Exhibitors undertake to guarantee
visitors. Conversely, it is forbidden to leave exhibits co- against and compensate the Organiser for any financial
vered when the exhibition is open to the public. Similarly, repercussions.
exhibitors must ensure that their stand is clean and tidy at
all times. 4.8
4.3 n all cases, the power rating of the speakers set up to pro-
vide sound on your stand must not exceed 30 watts. The
During opening hours, the stand must be permanently oc- sound volume must not exceed 70 decibels, failing which
cupied by a competent person, both on trade-only days the Organiser reserves the right, without notice, to close
and the day when the exhibition is open to the general the stand down or cancel the authorisation for an event
public. All persons present on the stand must observe the involving music or other amplified sound, without this en-
rules of propriety and courtesy and make sure that they titling the exhibitor to compensation of any kind.
pay the necessary attention to the visitors. Anyone not ad-
hering to these rules may be temporarily or permanently 4.9
excluded by the Organiser.
In the absence of a framework agreement between the
4.4 [French] Society of Songwriters, Composers and Mu-
sic Publishers (SACEM), the exhibitors must deal direct-
Exhibitors must not empty or dismantle their stand, or re- ly with them if they use music at the exhibition, even for
move any items before the end of the exhibition, even if straightforward demonstrations of sound equipment, and
it is extended. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in a the Organiser accepts no responsibility whatsoever in this
written report by the Organiser, which could constitute regard. A licence to play music on an exhibition stand may
grounds to exclude the exhibitor from participating in fu- be obtained directly from the following website: https://
ture sessions of the exhibition.
4.5 4.10
It is strictly forbidden to promote products or services out Safety of products and services. Exhibitors guarantee that
loud, as well as to tout for business in the aisles. Exhibitors the products, services or equipment presented are com-
must not under any circumstances obstruct or impinge pliant with French and European regulations, unless, if
on the aisles. appropriate, their non-approved status is clearly indicated
by a sign or other appropriate means. They accept full res-
4.6 ponsibility with respect to third parties for any such pro-
ducts, services or equipment and the Organiser can in no
Any billposting outside the stand is forbidden. Any de- way be held liable in this regard.
monstration, distribution or depositing of brochures out-
side the stand is prohibited, except with the prior agree- 4.11
ment of the Organiser.
It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to complete, whenever
4.7 necessary, the administrative formalities required to par-
ticipate in the exhibition, in particular with regard to la-
Any illuminated or audible advertising, any organised acti- bour laws, customs regulations in the case of products or
vity or performance (music, game, show, etc.) or any de- equipment from abroad, or hygiene in the case of food
monstration likely to cause a crowd to gather in the aisles products. The Organiser may not at any time be held liable
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