P. 9
quired to be present on the stand from the start of the
breakdown period and remain until the stand has been 7. GENERAL PROVISIONS
completely removed.
The stands, merchandise, items and decorations belonging 7.1
to the exhibitor, as well as any waste from the materials
used to decorate the stands, must be removed by the ex- Exhibitors agree to comply with these regulations and with
hibitors or their service providers by the specified time and the Practical Information provided by the Organiser. The lat-
according to the schedule set by the Organiser. After the ter is made available online, in the exhibitor’s area, a mini-
deadline, the Organiser may have the stand cleared and mum of three months before the Exhibition.
any items taken to a storage location of their choosing, at
the risk and expense of the exhibitor, without their being 7.2
held liable for any damage or losses whether total or par-
tial. The Organiser may invoice the exhibitor for cleaning Labour code. Exhibitors undertake to abide by the current
carried out at the time of breakdown, backed up by visual labour laws as well as all the related information indicated
evidence. in the Safety Notice.
6.4 7.3
Exhibitors must leave the spaces, decorations and equip- The Organiser disclaims all responsibility for any losses
ment provided in the state in which they found them. or damage of any kind befalling the items and equipment
Any damage to equipment, the building or the occupied exhibited whatever the cause for the duration of the exhi-
floorspace caused by their installations or merchandise bition, including during build-up and breakdown periods.
will be assessed by Paris Expo Porte de Versailles techni-
cal services as well as by the Organiser and any necessary 7.4
repairs and/or cleaning will be invoiced to the exhibitors
responsible. Exhibitors are responsible for all equipment and items on
the stand, for the duration of the exhibition, including du-
6.5 ring build-up and breakdown. The fact of the Organiser
making its own arrangements to ensure the overall secu-
As part of the stand fitting packages provided by the Orga- rity of the exhibition is without prejudice to its liability as
niser, exhibitors must retrieve their equipment, brochures to the surveillance and protection of the aforementioned
and personal effects within one hour of the official closing equipment and items.
of the exhibition. Storage cupboards and hired furniture
must be handed back empty. 7.5
6.6 The Organiser and the administrator of Paris Expo Porte
de Versailles are not liable for losses or damage of any
The organizer wishes to take an eco-responsible ap- kind suffered by the exhibitor as a result of a fault in the
proach and has therefore put in place a solution to use building, whether caused by fire, storm, gale, lightning, ci-
the waste associated with the event. In the first hour after vil disorder, war, trade union or terrorist action, strike or
the dismantling begins, exhibitors will be able to entrust lockout, explosions, accidents, cases of force majeure or
the organizer, at the expense of the latter, with their glass any other cause beyond their control. Similarly, exhibitors
and / or paper waste and thus reduce the carbon footprint may not hold them liable if, in situations of this kind, the
of Viva Technology. exhibition was not able to use all or part of the building.
In case of a breach of the present regulations, the Orga-
niser may, as it sees fit and after issuing a formal notice, if
appropriate in the presence of a bailiff, immediately close
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