Page 12 - Scout 5-22-15
P. 12

12A The Scout                                                                                                                                                                   FRIDAY, MAY 22, 2015


0DLQWHQDQFHRQEDUULHUVDW(DVW:HVW*DWHVWRGD\                                        Range closures announced                                                               *HWIUHHPRQWKRI+XOX3OXVH[FOXVLYHGLVFRXQW
   Today, EMCOR will conduct preventive mainte-                                             Today: A, B, C, D, E, F, L, P, Q, U, U1, V, Z                                          Authorized shoppers who sign up for Hulu Plus
                                                                                            Saturday: E, L, P, Q, U, U1, V, Z, T1, T2, T3
nance on the barriers at the East and West gates. This                                      Sunday: E, L, P, Q, U, U1, V, Z, T1, T2, T3                                         through the Army & Air Force Exchange Service can
will require detouring traffic around the East Gate                                          Monday: E, L, M, P, Q, U, U1, V, Z,                                                 now enjoy one month free, followed by an Exchange-
from 7 p.m. until 11 p.m. EMCOR will block off the                                          Tuesday: E, K, L, P, Q, U, U1, W, X, Y, V, Z, V1                                    exclusive 10-percent discount for the first year of service.
road at Hatfield and Hunt and Hatfield and Brainard                                           Wednesday: E, L, P, Q, U, U1, W, X, Y, V, Z, V1
during this time.                                                                           Thursday: E, L, N, P, Q, U, U1, W, X, Y, V, Z, V1,                                     Authorized shoppers must subscribe through www.
                                                                                                                                                                       (or through the MAR-
   The West Gate will be not be affected with a detour,                                  T1, T2, T3                                                                             KETPLACE on to get
but drivers should use extreme caution and obey all                                         Range closures are subject to daily change. For in-                                 the Exchange’s exclusive Hulu Plus offer.
traffic controls when approaching the barrier.
                                                                                         formation, call Range Operations, 520.533.1014, or                                     FH Memorial Day observance set
Beware of TRICARE scam                                                                   the Military Police Desk, 520.533.3000.                                                   Fort Huachuca personnel will hold their Memorial
   TRICARE beneficiaries are reporting that they have
                                                                                         6DIHW\2I¿FHLVVXHVSURGXFWVDIHW\UHFDOOV                                             Day observance 11:30 a.m. May 25 at the Post Cem-
been contacted by call centers offering prescription                                        Fort Huachuca Safety Office personnel are noti-                                      etery. The public is invited.
medications, pain creams and other treatments on be-
half of TRICARE.                                                                         fying the post community of the following product                                         Maj. Gen. Robert Ashley, commanding general of
                                                                                         safety recalls issued by the Consumer Product Safety                                   the U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence and
   These call centers are not affiliated with TRICARE.                                    Commission at This week the follow-                                      Fort Huachuca, will speak. The ceremony includes a
They may attempt to get personal and health informa-                                     ing recalls went into effect: Schylling recalls police                                 wreath dedication, reading of General Orders #1, mu-
tion, and charge TRICARE for medications beneficia-                                       Press and Go toy vehicles due to choking hazard;                                       sic, 21-gun salute and National Salute with cannons.
ries express interest in. This private information may                                   IKEA recalls pressure-mounted safety gates due to
also be used for future solicitations.                                                   fall hazard; Cost Plus World Market recalls twist                                         Due to limited parking, motorists should park in the
                                                                                         swivel stools due to fall hazard; TenPoint Crossbow                                    large parking lot off Christy Avenue and use the shut-
   Those who receive such medications in the mail can                                    Technologies recalls to repair crossbows due to in-                                    tle bus. There will be golf carts available to transport
reject the delivery.                                                                     jury hazard.                                                                           those with limited mobility.

   To report contact from these call centers, contact                                       Report a safety hazard at 520.538.SAFE.                                             2I¿FHVSODQKROLGD\FORVXUH
the Express Scripts Fraud Tip Hotline at 1.866.759                                                                                                                                 Fort Huachuca Staff Judge Advocate Offices (to in-
6139 or
                                                                                                                                                                                clude Legal Assistance and Claims) and the Mountain

                                           WOW, What a Beautiful Home!                   .*-*5"3:%*4$06/54"7"*-"#-&                                                            Full of it?
                                                  3 Bed, 2 Bath,  2140 sq ft  4+ acres 
                                                  in wonderful neighborhood near local       For All Your Cycling Needs                                                           Bloated, Constipated, Gassy?
                                                    Hops N Vine Winery & BLM lands.      0QFO.PO'SJrBNQNr4BUBNQN
                                                                                                                                                                                  Take the plunge. Get a colonic!!
                                             Offered at $379k                            1301 E. FRY BL7%r4*&33"7*4T"r
                                                 Contact Owner/Agent                                                                                                                Expect to feel flatter and
                                           Sonoita Realty – Kathy O’Brien                                                                                                           lighter in the first session.

                                                      520 405-1800                                                                                                         
                                                                                                                                                                                Ann Schnell 520.575.5812
Easy highway access onto paved road subdivision with underground utilities
for unobstructed views! Great location for commuting to Sierra Vista & Tucson.                                                                                                         Located in Tucson, AZ
Borders private ranch for optimal privacy. Well maintained custom ranch style
home with wood beam ceiling, fantastic open floor plan with large great room,
french doors, office workroom, attached garage, nicely landscaped with
semi-wrap porch. A must see home!  19 Star View Estates, Sonoita.

We are hiring Engineers and Logisticians                                                           Elks Lodge #2065
      at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio.                                                           1 Elks Lane, Sierra Vista

     HX5, LLC. (HX5) is an 8(a), Service                                                 Blues, Brews, Barbeque
      Disabled Veteran, Woman Owned                                                         ĂŶĚtŝŶĞ&ĞƐƟǀĂů
   Company. Since its inception in 2004,
      HX5 has specialized in the field of                                                DĂLJϮϯϮϬϭϱͻEŽŽŶʹϴWD
      providing Professional, Technical,
    Management and Business Services                                                               Guests Welcome
      to meet the needs of the Federal
    Government, State Government and                                                                               Live Blues Bands:

                 Private Industry.                                                                                                                                                   FKFOÙÈÙ!LM<;<IDÙÈÙFÙ#8J<I
       HX5 has recently been awarded                                                                                                                                            *D8IKÙ#@GFÙÈÙ&98>@ÙÈÙ#8K@JJ<ÙÈÙ8E;ÙDFI<
      the Oasis, EPASS Combat Rescue
   Helicopter Program Support contract                                                   Headliner: Andy T and Nick Nixon Band,  Buzz and the Soul Senders                         %FNÙF==<I@E>ÙFKFOÙ8E;Ù!LM<;<IDÙ
   and we have open positions. We offer                                                                                                                                            8KÙ+@D<C<JJÙ+?<I8G<LK@:Ù8PÙ*G8Ù
   great benefits, relocation assistance,                                                NaƟoŶally cclaimed LeŐeŶĚ iŶ the Blues IŶĚƵstry Bisbee’s FiŶest Blues aŶĚ Soul Music     +L<J;8PÙ8=K<IEFFEJÙ8E;Ù<M<E@E>JÙ

               and hiring bonuses.                                                       Event Admission: $6.00 (Children 5 and under free)                                     ##Ù&)Ù0&,)Ù''& %+$%+Ù+&0

       Please visit and                                                   tŝŶĞdĂƐƟŶŐ͗Ψϭϱ͘ϬϬŝŶĐůƵĚĞƐϲƚĂƐƟŶŐƟĐŬĞƚƐΘŐůĂƐƐ                                       	Ù	
select “careers” to see available positions!
                                                                                         &ŽŽĚ͕ďĞĞƌĂŶĚďĞǀĞƌĂŐĞƐĂƐƉƌŝĐĞĚ                                                             Ù8EPFEÙ<ÙCFI<JÙ*K<Ù


                                                                                         Our Valued Supporters                   tĞŶĚLJ>ĂLJƚŽŶʹdŽƵƌtŽŶŬ͕WƌŽŵŽƚĞƌ

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