Page 16 - Scout 5-22-15
P. 16
1B The Scout FRIDAY, MAY 22, 2015
Middle school students celebrate last full day before summer vacation
Story and photos by Natalie Lakosil ticipate in various sport activities such &ODULVVD+DUULVVL[WKJUDGHFRPSOHWHVRQHRIWKHIRXULQÀDWDEOHREVWDFOHFRXUVHV:HGQHVGD\
Staff Writer as relay races, spinning hula hoops and PRUQLQJDVSDUWRIKHUVFKRROV¿HOGGD\DFWLYLWLHV
playing basketball.
Students at Colonel Smith Middle gift card each for third place. The Parent it through the school year and to send ev-
School spent Wednesday morning hav- The sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade Teacher Organization, National Junior eryone off into the summer for fun.”
ing fun in the sun as part of their out- students were also able to enjoy bingo, Honor Society, Student Council and the
door field day activities. arts and crafts and board games inside. Step It Up Club donated the prizes. The eighth grade promotion cer-
emony to high school was held Thurs-
The day wasn’t just spent outside on “I think [the field day is] great,” “This is our end-of-the-year blast,” day morning which was the last day of
four inflatable obstacle courses. Stu- said sixth-grader Garran Marshall, 11, said Ruth Merrick, an eighth-grade school.
dents also had the opportunity to par- whose favorite part of the day was the teacher. “It’s to celebrate that we all made
outside activities. School’s out for the summer!
Leona and Alina Fischer, both 14, perform a
unique song about saving the plant during the The field day activities were held in
schools talent show. The twins will be attending the morning and students followed their
Buena High School in the fall and decided to normal lunch schedule. Afterward, they
perform a song on the importance of protect- gathered in the gymnasium to cheer on
ing the environment because they believe it is their classmates who were performing
an important cause and something different to in the school talent show.
sing about.
The 13 acts included dancing, sing-
ing and playing musical instruments.
After the talent show, students spent the
remainder of the day signing yearbooks,
listening to music and watching some
of their favorite teachers take pies in the
“It’s a little nerve wracking but it’s
still pretty fun,” said Devony Martell,
12, who danced in the talent show to
“Dark Horse.” “The field day was fun,
best part was either the pie-in-the-face
for teachers or the jumping castles.”
The individual winners of the talent
show won $30 for first place, $25 for
second place and a $15 Visa gift card for
third and fourth place. The group win-
ners won $30 each for first place, $20
each for second place and a $15 Visa
hooping skills with four hula-hoops during the