Page 17 - Scout 5-22-15
P. 17

FRIDAY, MAY 22, 2015                                                                                                    The Scout 2B


Attend Tombstone at Twilight                                  Registration is due byWednesday. Call 520.442.8951           To learn more, contact AHS’ Alternative Placement
   Meet an actor from the movie “Tombstone,” Peter         or email                          Department, 602.997.7585 Ext. 2156 or alternative-
Sherayko, who played Texas Jack, will be the special       Square dance your night away
guest at this month’s Tombstone at Twilight Saturday.         The Thunder Mountain Twirlers are having a main-          Assist with theater productions
                                                                                                                           The Illegitimate Theater Company is seeking peo-
   Gunfights take place at 5:45 p.m., 6:30 p.m. and         stream square dance from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. May 29
7:15 p.m. They take place between 5th and 6th Street,      at the Sierra Vista Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall,         ple who are interested in any or all aspects of little
with the last gunfight ending in a walkdown in front of     101 N. Lenzner Ave. Cost is $5 for members, $6 for           theater productions. They include acting, directing,
the OK Corral.                                             non-members, and free for non-dancers to watch and           stage management, makeup, lighting, sound, ushering,
                                                           socialize. Snacks are provided.                              taking tickets at the door and more.
   Enjoy the live band, “Double Darre,” as they per-
form blues and rock starting at 5 p.m. in front of the        For more information, contact 520.378.6719 or svt-           If interested, call 520.249.0296 or 520.515.3721.
Tombstone Visitor Center.                        
                                                                                                                        Volunteer to work with animals
&HOHEUDWH:\DWW(DUS'D\V                                  Adopt a retired greyhound                                       The Nancy J. Brua Animal Care and Control Center
   Celebrate the life and times of the Arizona Old West’s     AZgreyhounds of Sierra Vista will conduct a grey-
                                                                                                                        has volunteer opportunities for people who like animals
famous lawman Wyatt Earp in Tombstone, from 10 a.m.        hound adoption day from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. May 30 at           and can help with cleaning, walking and more. Primarily
to 5 p.m. Saturday through Monday, with costumed en-       C-A-L Ranch Store, 673 SR 90, Sierra Vista.                  they need help on Saturdays, Sundays and most holidays.
tertainers, gunfights and street skits at the O.K. Corral,
a chili cook-off, stagecoach rides and more. There will       The dogs available are all ex-racers, recently retired       All volunteers must be 18 or older, able to pass a
also be a Wyatt Earp look-a-like contest.                  from the track. Greyhounds get along with children,          background check and will earn time towards the Vol-
                                                           other dogs and pets. The program is also in need of          unteer Service Medal.
   For more information, contact 520.266.5266.             temporary home for these dogs.
                                                                                                                           For more information, call 520.458.4151 or stop by
Free story time event for youth                               For more information, call 520.378.1763.                  6799 E. SR 90, Sierra Vista.
   Cochise College is hosting a free story time event,
                                                           Stars to come out at meeting                                           Fort Huachuca
“The Reading Tree,” from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.             The Huachuca Astronomy Club will hold their next                 Reel Time Theaters
Saturday on the Sierra Vista Campus, sponsored by the
Sierra Vista Public Library and the Cochise College        meeting 7 p.m. June 5 in the community room of the              72'$<
Friends of the Library. Register in advance for this free  Student Union Building, at Cochise College, 901 Co-
event through the Cochise College Center for Lifelong      lombo Ave., Sierra Vista. Dr. Megan Reiter will speak            Tomorrowland (PG) 130 min., Noon – First Run
Learning at 520.515.5492.                                  on “Growing Pains: the tumultuous youth of stars.”               Tomorrowland (PG) 130 min., 3 p.m. – First Run
                                                           She uses images from the Hubble Space Telescope and              Tomorrowland (PG) 130 min., 6 p.m. – First Run
   Preschool and kindergarten through fifth-grade stu-      spectroscopy from the Magellan Telescope in Chile to
dents are welcome at the Cochise College Sierra Vista      study how more massive stars form. The meeting is               6$785'$<
Campus Library, Building 900, for a story, arts and        free and open to the public.
crafts, and snacks. Every child receives a free book. A                                                                     Tomorrowland (PG) 130 min., Noon – First Run
parent or legal guardian must also attend.                 Learn about Ludlow Massacre                                      Tomorrowland (PG) 130 min., 3 p.m. – First Run
                                                              Glenn Minuth will speak on the Ludlow Massacre,               Tomorrowland (PG) 130 min., 6 p.m. – First Run
Memorial Day ceremony, monument dedication
   A Memorial Day ceremony takes place at 6 p.m.           an American labor legacy, at the Bisbee Corral of the           681'$<
                                                           Westerners which meets 7 p.m. June 4 at the Bisbee
Monday followed by a Global War on Terror - Ari-           Senior Center. The Bisbee Corral is the only Corral in           Tomorrowland (PG) 130 min., Noon – First Run
zona’s Fallen monument dedication at the Southern          Cochise County and all are welcome.                              Tomorrowland (PG) 130 min., 3 p.m. – First Run
Arizona Veterans’ Memorial Cemetery, hosted by the                                                                          Tomorrowland (PG) 130 min., 6 p.m., – First Run
Military Officers Association of America. The keynote          The Corral meets at 7 p.m. first Thursday of each
speaker will be Representative Martha McSally, U.S.        month at the Bisbee Senior Center, 300 Collins Rd.,             021'$<
Congress. The mayor will be among those who place a        Bisbee, off of Naco Highway near Safeway.
memorial wreath.                                                                                                            Tomorrowland (PG) 130 min., Noon – First Run
                                                              For more information, contact 520.432.8350 or                 Tomorrowland (PG) 130 min., 3 p.m. – First Run
   The Global War on Terror — Arizona’s Fallen mon-                                            Tomorrowland (PG) 130 min., 6 p.m., – First Run
ument dedication at the Veterans Chapel, will follow.
                                                           Tombstone to salute Buffalo Soldiers                            78(6'$<³:('1(6'$<Closed
   The public is invited.                                     On June 13 and 14 the City of Tombstone will sa-

Justice Forum takes place Tuesday                          lute the Buffalo Soldiers, who helped tame the “Old
   At 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, the NAACP will host a Jus-        Wild West” during the Territorial Period.

tice Forum at the Sierra Vista Police Department Au-          This event is sponsored by the Wild West Detach-
ditorium, at 911 N. Coronado, next to City Hall. The       ment Marine Corps League and Tombstone merchants.
panel will include five judges from the Cochise Coun-
ty Superior Court, the county attorney, the District 5        There will be ongoing street entertainment from 10
justice of the peace, the Cochise County sheriff, the      a.m. to 4 p.m. June 13 and noon to 4 p.m. June 14.
Sierra Vista police chief, and the Fort Huachuca Mili-
tary Police Detachment and Office of the Staff Judge           The 7th Annual Salute to the Buffalo Soldiers Parade
Advocate. The public is invited.                           will take place at 11 a.m. June 14 on Allen Street starting
                                                           at Sixth Street and concluding at Second & Allen Streets.
   For more information, call 520.249.3113.
                                                              For more information about parade participation or
                                                           the event, call 520.266.5266 or 520.678.4570.

Red Cross to sponsor event on post                         AHS launches Project Active Duty Program                     7+856'$<
   The American Red Cross hosts Operation SAF                 Project Active Duty was launched as a way for the
                                                                                                                        Tomorrowland (PG) 130 min., 6 p.m. – First Run
(Service to Armed Forces) Kids Day from 9 a.m. to 2        Arizona Humane Society to give back to Service mem-
p.m. June 13 at Reservoir Hill Overlook on Fort Hua-       bers, realizing that many of them are loving pet-owners.
chuca. It gives children an opportunity to “live a day     This program is for military who have no one available
in the life of a Soldier,” side-by-side with their par-    to help care for their pets, and who are leaving the state
ents and Red Cross partners and volunteers. The youth      for training or heading oversees for a tour of duty. They
will participate in multiple stations and go on missions   can entrust their pets with AHS while away, and pets are
geared toward various military occupations.                placed in foster homes. There is no cost to participate.
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