Page 14 - Scout 5-22-15
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From Day One
Raising the Quality of Healthcare
As physicians and members of the Medical Executive Trauma Center,an expanded cardiac cath lab,acute behavioral
Committee at Canyon Vista Medical Center, we commit to health services, and 3D Mammography. From improving
raising the quality of medical services at our new hospital. the quality of patient care to acquiring lifesaving medical
That’s why we support Canyon Vista Medical Center, a brand- equipment, our mission is to raise the quality of healthcare for
new beautiful 100-bed regional facility that features a Level III the deserving people of southeast Arizona from day one.
Standing from left are Richard Gladding,D.O.,Secretary/Treasurer; Warren Gluck,M.D.,Chief for Emergency Medicine; David Knapp,M.D.,Chief of Staff; Ralph
Mayberry,M.D.,Chief for Family Medicine; and Jody Jenkins,M.D.,Credentials Chair.Not pictured are Suzanne Daly,M.D.,Vice Chief of Staff; Jonathon Mahn,
D.O., Chief of Medicine; Bruce Silva, M.D., Chief for OB/GYN; Laurence Susini, M.D., Chief of Surgery; Max Mirot, M.D., Chief for Pathology; Jeffrey Wolk, M.D.,
PR/PIC, Ramon Carampatan, M.D., Chief of Pediatrics; George Wilson, M.D., Chief of Radiology, and James Knott, D.O. , Chief for Anesthesia.
5700 EW. HigWhwaWy 9.0C, SAieNrraYViOstaN,AZV8I5S63T5AŘ wMwEw.DcanICyonAviLstaCmEedNicaTlcEenRte.rC.coOm MŘ 520-263-2000