Page 15 - Scout 5-22-15
P. 15
FRIDAY, MAY 22, 2015 The Scout 15A
FMWR briefs
Outdoor pool opens tomorrow Enjoy free finger foods, a pay-as-you-go bar, and win tered with Child, Youth and School Services.
Irwin Outdoor Pool will open for the season May prizes in several drawings and contests. The theme for Missoula Children’s Theatre touring productions
this RAN will be “car night.”
23. Hours are: Tuesday – Sunday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.; and arrive complete with costumes, scenery, props and
federal and training holidays, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. The pool Right Arm Night is free and open to all, including makeup. The MCT Tour actors/directors will conduct
is open to all authorized FMWR patrons. Soldiers, civilians, retirees and family members 18 and rehearsals throughout the week. More than 50 local
older. students will be cast in the production to be presented
Barnes Indoor Pool will be open Monday – Friday, at 7 p.m. on June 6 at Johnston Elementary School.
5 – 8 a.m. only. For more information, call 520.678.4446.
For more information, call 520.533.4823.
For more information, call 520.533.3858. Release your creative side
The FMWR Arts & Crafts Center will offer “Sip & Enjoy a trail ride with Buffalo Corral
5HJLVWHUIRU\RXWKÀDJIRRWEDOO Buffalo Corral Horseback Riding Stables staff have
Child, Youth and School Services Youth Sports and Create” Fridays, May 29, June 26, July 24 and Aug.
28, 7 – 9 p.m. at the 19th Hole Lounge at Mountain scheduled two-hour, guided sunset trail rides 5 – 7
Fitness Program is holding registration for flag football View Golf Course. Cost is $35 per session, per per- p.m. Fridays, June 5, 12, 19 and 26. Cost is $40 for
through May 31 for youth 4 – 7. All practices/games son, and includes the canvas, paint, aprons and two Active Duty military or $50 for civilians.
will be conducted on the fields located on H Avenue beverages (wine, beer, soda or water), plus instruc-
(across from Colonel Johnston Elementary School). tions from the artist-in-residence, to create an origi- Corral personnel have also scheduled two-hour
nal piece of art. guided trail rides, with a steak meal to follow, for 4
Cost is $20, and a full CYSS registration and cur- – 6 p.m. Saturdays, June 6, 13, 20 and 27. The cost is
rent sports physical are required to participate. Prac- Register by calling 520.533.5550 or stop at the $75 per person for military or $85 for civilians, and
tices will start on or about June 8 and the season will Arts and Crafts Center Tuesday – Saturday, noon – 5 includes a 12 oz. T-bone steak, potato and salad. The
end on or about June 27. p.m. Saturday trail rides are also available without dinner
at the cost of $40 for Active Duty and $50 for other
To register, contact Parent Central Services at Student auditions set for ‘Aladdin’ FMWR patrons.
520.533.0738. For more information, call the youth Auditions for the Missoula Children’s Theatre pro-
services program associates at 520.533.6025 or Reservations are required for these trail rides. For
520.533.0711. duction of “Aladdin” are scheduled for June 1 starting reservations or more information, call Buffalo Corral
at 9 a.m. at Colonel Johnston Elementary School. Stu- at 520.533.5220 or visit their Facebook page at www.
Right Arm Night — don’t miss out dents from first through 12th grades are encouraged to and send
The next Right Arm Night is set to start at 4 p.m. sign up now to audition. Children must first be regis- them a message.
May 29 outside at Thunder Mountain Activity Centre.
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