Page 13 - Scout 5-22-15
P. 13
FRIDAY, MAY 22, 2015 The Scout 13A
Vista Communities offices will be closed on Monday day at Cochise Theater. sions and Future Panthers Camp is broken down into two
for Memorial Day. Each session will include information, vignettes 2-hour sessions each day. Cost is $50 per 2-week session
for Science Camp and $20 for Future Panthers Camp.
MVC changes to the trash schedule are as follows: and discussions intended to educate civilian supervi-
Monday pick-up is Tuesday. sors on how to intervene in accordance with regulation For more information, call the school at 520.459.8892.
Tuesday pick-up is Wednesday. and law. The last 30 minutes will be devoted to ques-
There are no changes to the recycling schedule. tions and answers between supervisors and a panel of Commissary seafood sale takes place June 5, 6
experts. All civilian leaders should attend. The commissary will have a seafood sale June 5 and 6.
USAG to host town hall
The garrison commander will host a Garrison Town For more information, call 520.538.1311. Seafood items will be available for sale at reduced prices
inside the commissary during regular operating hours.
Hall and Awards Ceremony at 10 a.m. Wednesday and DISA to conduct command cyber readiness inspection
a second town hall session at 1 p.m. on the same day as The Defense Information Systems Agency will ASBP to hold blood drive here
a mechanism to recognize outstanding performance and Personnel from theArmed Services Blood Program will
communicate with all members of the organization. Both conduct a command cyber readiness inspection at Fort
sessions will be held at Cochise Theater. Attendance is Huachuca June 1 – 5. An inspection team will coor- hold a blood drive from 3 to 9 p.m. June 9 at Fort Huachu-
mandatory for all garrison Soldiers and employees. dinate with the installation’s cyber security personnel ca’s Eifler Fitness Center. Make an appointment to donate
and visit facilities with Secure Internet Protocol Rout- blood for Service members at
For more information, call 520.533.2295. er presence. The team will validate current accredita-
tions, network security and all areas of traditional se- Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training
PMOC plans golf tournament curity, perform network-based vulnerability scans and Army Substance Abuse Program personnel will
The Protestant Men of the Chapel will host a 4-Man assess compliance with DOD cyber security policies.
hold Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training June
Scramble Golf Tournament with a shotgun start at 8:30 Leaders at all levels should ensure their Soldiers 10 – 11, July 8 – 9, Aug. 5 – 6 and Sept. 16 – 17 at the
a.m. June 6 at Mountain View Golf Course to kick off and employees are aware of and practicing cyber secu- ASAP office, Building 22414, 434 Christy Ave.
the summer PMOC program. Cost is $30 per person rity measures within their organizations.
and includes green fees, cart, lunch and prizes. To sign ASIST is for everyone in the Fort Huachuca Com-
up, email with team mem- Summer camps for youth on Fort Huachuca munity 18 or older — regardless of prior experience
bers’ names and phone numbers by Wednesday. Sin- Colonel Smith Middle School will host a Science Sum- — who wants to be able to provide suicide first aid.
gles are welcome for team pairing. ASIST is a two-day (15 hour) Interactive Suicide Pre-
mer Camp and Future Panthers (physical fitness) Camp vention workshop. There are no prerequisites for the
Civilian Leadership Symposium scheduled this summer. Upcoming sixth, seventh and eighth graders training. Uniform is appropriate civilian attire.
Two Civilian Leadership Symposium sessions fo- currently enrolled in the Fort Huachuca Accommodation
School District are eligible to attend. Camps run from 8 Registration is required. Attendance by Soldiers and
cusing on the Army’s security and fiscal environments a.m. to noon Monday through Thursday, June 1 through Department of the Army Civilians will satisfy their an-
will take place from 9 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 3 p.m. Thurs- 25. Science Camp is broken down into two 2-week ses- nual suicide prevention training requirement.
For more information or to register, call 520.533.2071.
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